Expanding the reach
of T-cell engagers.
We have developed novel building blocks that could help address dose-limiting toxicities, enhance potency, and expand the accessible target space for this modality.
T-cell engagers have the potential to be a cornerstone of cancer treatment.
CD3 T-cell engagers guide the immune system to find and eliminate cancer cells by binding to the CD3 protein on cancer-killing T cells and tumor targets at the same time.
However, limitations in both efficacy and safety have been barriers to realizing their full potential for difficult-to-treat cancers.
Our platform was specifically designed to unlock T-cell engagers as a drug class. With this platform, we aim to bring new cancer medicines to the clinic, both by advancing internal programs and through strategic partnerships.
Widening the therapeutic window
We leverage novel CD3-binding antibodies that consistently generate T-cell engagers with potent tumor-cell killing and reduced cytokine release, which could help address dose-limiting toxicities. In addition, we have generated antibodies that engage γδ T cells, which could be leveraged to kill cancer cells with reduced potential risk of toxicities.
Enhancing potency
We have generated building blocks to engage costimulatory receptors CD28 and 4-1BB, which could enhance T-cell activation, proliferation, and anti-tumor activities for solid tumor indications.
Expanding the target space
Our technology enables discovery of antibodies that are highly specific to MHC-peptide complexes, expanding the accessible target space for T-cell engagers in solid tumors.